Term 2, Week 8 - 6th June, 2024
From the Principal

Dear parents and carers,
Semester 1 report cards will be issued in Week 10 of this term through the Sentral for parents portal. Report cards are designed to provide parents an indication of their child’s progress against the expected standards for each year level. They also provide information about areas of improvement, a measure of students’ level of effort and behaviour in class, details about attendance and written comments.
Our report cards include: Learning areas – each child’s report contains achievement information about each learning area studied and what was studied that semester. The report also contains information about extracurricular activities.
Achievement codes – these codes describe your child’s overall achievement for each learning area studied against what is expected at the time of reporting using the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards for each learning area. In Prep-Year 6, a five point scale (A-E) is used to report achievement in all learning areas, and to report effort grades (see visual below).
For many of us, school reports bring back memories of striving for A's or getting in trouble with our parents if, (shock horror) we received a C grade. Even more serious repercussions were on the cards if there was a D or E on the report. These memories may skew our understanding of what the grades mean today, in 2024 (hint – A's are not the be all and end all anymore, and C's are standard). Please be assured that achieving a C on the report card is considered a sound/satisfactory level of achievement. In other words, C should be acknowledged as achieving at the level expected of an average child at this stage of schooling.
An A or a B grade indicates your child is achieving above the expected standard at this time of year and is able to transfer his/her knowledge to new situations. A D or an E indicates that your child is working towards the expected standard and they are still developing in their learning.

5 Point Scale on Report Cards
Please pay attention to effort marks and general comments as they give the best insight into your child’s learning behaviours, values, application, attitude and potential.
Reporting is a process, not simply a report card. At St Maria Goretti, we believe the most effective reporting occurs when various approaches are used throughout the year. Parents are also encouraged to contact their child’s teacher at any time throughout the year to discuss their child’s learning at a time convenient to teachers and parents.
The general reporting cycle for Prep to Year 6 at St Maria Goretti is:
- Term 1 & Term 3 - Parent/teacher interviews to discuss your child’s progress occur during the first and third term of the school year.
- Term 2 & Term 4- A school report card is issued at the end of Semester 1 and 2 for all year levels.
Where you have a concern about a child’s progress or behaviour, I encourage you to make an appointment to see the class teacher in Term 3. These appointments can be made through the office, through the Sentral for parents portal, or by emailing your child's teacher.
P/1 Madison Spencer | |
2/3/4 Darcy Barnes & Olivia Osborne | |
5/6 Liz Key |
Next Friday is the annual Small Schools' Athletics Carnival in Goondiwindi at Gilbert's oval and we are looking forward to a fantastic day of competition and sportsmanship. Mrs Olivia Osborne will be sending out some final details for the day. I encourage parents and carers to come along and cheer your children on. It is always a great day out.
The Semester 1 Disco will be held in the upstairs classrooms on Wednesday the 19th of June from 5:30pm-7:00pm. The theme is 'Wild West' and there will be a $5.00 entry fee to cover food, games and prizes. Parents are required to stay, unless they have spoken with me prior to the event. Thank you to our parent and staff volunteers who will be attending and helping at the disco. Please let me know if you would like to assist.
As the weather is becoming colder, it is so important that our students are coming to school in the correct winter uniform. Track suit pants, school jackets and school jumpers are available to purchase at our uniform shop. Students may also wear navy or black tights or stockings under their skorts. Items such as beanies, gloves and scarves must also be black, navy or blue. Thank you for supporting our expectations outlined in the uniform policy at St Maria Goretti.
I will be taking long service leave in Week 10 of Term 3. During my absence, Mrs Olivia Osborne will be deputising.
Enjoy your weekend & stay warm.
Yours in education,
Casey Robinson

P.E. with Mrs Osborne
This Term for Physical Education, we have been lucky enough to split the school up into their class groups and run three separate PE lessons targeted directly at their age and ability levels!
As we will be participating in the Small Schools Athletics Carnival at the end of Term 2, I have been focusing on each individual event for the carnival to help the students understand the specific skills and rules involved. I have included some examples of what we have been learning below:

Term 2 Athletics

Reporting student absences
Absences may be reported in advance for illness, appointments or family holidays. Please see the link below for how to enter absences in the Sentral for Parents app.
Students of the Week - Week 7

Students of the Week - Week 8

Sight Word Certificates

Mathletics Certificates Week 7

Sports Award Week 7

Welcome to our school, Cleo!

Parent Engagement Network (PEN)
Parent Engagement Network
Congratulations to our 2024 Parent Engagement Network Executive -
Chairperson | Melissa Callaghan |
Secretary | Gabe Groves |
Fundraising Coordinator | Michelle Walker |
Our next PEN meeting will be on:
Wednesday the 24th of July in the
school library at 3:30pm
Please contact Casey, Melissa, Gabe or Mandy to add an item to the agenda.
All parents are very welcome to attend the PEN meeting as a rewarding way to get involved with the school community and keep up to date with school events, policies and projects.

Strategic Plan 2023-2026

We are currently looking for relief teachers to fill vital roles at our wonderful school. Relief teaching offers you the flexibility to take on work to match your lifestyle and the opportunity to continue to make a difference in the lives of our students and staff.
Please apply here: https://bit.ly/3HlXcIX or contact our office directly.