Term 3, Week 5 -11th August, 2023
From the Principal

Dear families,
We are now at the end of a wonderful Week 5!
A highlight of our week was the Goondiwindi Apex Eisteddfod. Our whole school entered the Small Schools Choir section, singing 'Up there Cazaly'.
Students impressed us all with their discipline, voices, and enthusiasm. We are so proud of their efforts, and they were awarded a deserving second place. I want to extend a massive thank you to Mrs Maree Twidale (our very loved LST) for her passion and commitment. I would also like to thank our teachers, staff members and parents for supporting the experience.
We strongly believe in the importance of the arts in a well-rounded education and will continue to support the Goondiwindi Apex Eisteddfod well into the future.
Playground Update
We continue with our planning for the playground upgrade after consultation with our PEN group and our Facility Maintenance Planner from TCSO. The latest design briefs will be shared at our PEN meeting, next Wednesday 3:30pm in the library. All parents are very welcome to attend.
Communication with Teachers
Creating and maintaining open channels of communication with parents and carers is something that we do well at St Maria Goretti school.
I would like to remind our parents and carers that the wellbeing of our staff members is paramount, so I ask that you limit your communications between the hours of 8:00am-5:00pm, Monday to Friday. Teachers can be contacted via the Sentral for parent app, or via email. If you would like to request an extended meeting time with your child's teacher, please contact the school office and we will be happy to accommodate your request.
Parent teacher interviews will be held in Week 10 of this term, and we will book these through the Sentral for parent app.
Sporting Update
Best of luck to Connor, Pippa, and Charlie who will be competing in the Darling Downs Athletics Carnival next Tuesday. We are very proud of you!
Upcoming Term 3 dates
15th August - Darling Downs Athletics Carnival
16th August - Goondiwindi Cricket Gala Day
16th August - PEN Meeting
18th August - Science Day
24th August - Book Character Dress Up Day & Parade!
Yours in education,
Casey Robinson
"God is good and has brought lights and help when all was very dark" (Mary MacKillop 1899)
Library News

Just 2 weeks until our Book Week celebrations!
We celebrate great Australian children's books all term.
We are enjoying the short-listed books, the winners will be announced on 19th August.
We are exploring our ideas around the theme.
Our costume parade on Thursday 24th August will be a highlight! Students are asked to think how their costume connects to the theme"Read, Grow, Inspire" and be ready to share their thoughts during the parade. Happy costume planning!
Week 4 in the Library

The new interactive screen is a wonderful addition to our library.
Students are enjoying our read aloud sessions and the amazing short-listed picture books.
Scholastic Book Fair - Hats Off to Reading!
Our annual Book Fair will be held towards the end of this term, between the 7th and 12th September. Opening hours will be advertised in the next newsletter and we look forward to your support as the Fair commission goes straight into books for our students.
Happy Reading
Anne Anderson
Teacher Librarian
Eisteddfod Photos

Students of the Week - Week 4

Congratulations to Sadie (Year 1), Ivy (Year 1), Collette (Year 6), Werner (Prep), and Celeste (Year 3)!
Students of the Week - Week 5

Congratulations to Chiquita (Year 5), Poppy (Prep), Jordon (Year 2) and Ellie (Year 1)!
Sight Word Certificates

Happy Birthday!

Small Schools Age Champions
Our age champions received their medals today from our athletics carnival last term. Congratulations to Angus, Pippa, Connor and Collette!

School Photos - Thursday 31st August
Parent Engagement Network
Our next PEN meeting is the 16th of AUGUST, 3:30pm in the school library.
Please contact Casey, Melissa or Corinne to add an item to the agenda.
All parents are very welcome to attend the PEN meeting as a rewarding way to get involved with the school community and keep up to date with school events, policies and projects.


Our Lady of the Southern Cross Parish - Mass Times

Sunday 6th August - 9am Lay Lead Liturgy
Saturday 12th August - 5:30pm Mass
Sunday 20th August - 9am Lay Lead Liturgy
Sunday 27th August - 9am Lay Lead Liturgy