Term 2, Week 3 - 4th May, 2023
From the Principal

Dear families,
We are already near the end of a busy week 3! Earlier this week, we had a Teacher/Student dress swap and it was lovely to see our students go to so much effort to dress as one of their teachers. I have attached some photos in a gallery at the end of this article.
Parent Engagement Network (PEN)
Recently, our former Parent Partnership Forum (PPF) has made the transition to the new Parent Engagement Network (PEN) model. The group is a place for parents and families to come together to be informed, consulted and learn in relation to school planning, policy, decision making and education programs and engage in activities, projects and events that build community.
We have already made some exciting ground this year and I would like to take a moment to sincerely thank our hard-working staff and parent representatives that make up the PEN group.
Recently, the PEN have generously funded the purchase of a brand new reading scheme for our older readers, as well as purchasing some brand new musical instruments for our students to use.
Our next PEN meeting is on the 24th of May. I strongly encourage you to come along and join a group who are passionate about advancing our wonderful school.
URSTRONG Friendology program
The students in Years 5 & 6 are working with Miss Key and Paul Fomiatti (our Guidance Counsellor) on how to develop healthy friendships and manage conflict in a positive way. Please find a video below, introducing you to the URSTRONG framework.
Language of Friendship Overview: In this video, Dana Kerford (Friendship Expert & Founder of URSTRONG) will introduce you to URSTRONG’s simple framework for guiding children towards healthy friendships. Sit back and relax while Dana walks you through URSTRONG’s unique, kid-friendly language to teach friendship skills and conflict resolution!
Principal Advisory Group for the NRL
I have recently been chosen as 1 of 10 school principals to form an advisory group for the National Rugby League (NRL), in the area of school participation. As part of my role, I will be meeting with key representatives from the NRL to provide community feedback. If you have any suggestions on what you would like to see happening in schools and small towns, please email me at casey.robinson@twb.catholic.edu.au
Signing students out
A reminder that when students are being picked up early from school, it is a legal requirement that parents or caregivers sign them out at the office. This is a matter of health and safety, and it is important that we are enforcing these rules. Additionally, if parents and/or caregivers are entering the school grounds throughout the day (apart from drop off and pick up), they must come straight to the school office before going to the classroom. Thank you for your understanding.

Working Bee - 7th of May
We need your help! Please come along to our working bee this Sunday from 8am.
If you have a shovel and a ute, please bring them along. We need to remove the rock pit, dig out the vegetable gardens, mulch the front garden beds, and tidy up our sports shed.
Thank you in advance for your help. "Many hands make light work!"

Upcoming Term 2 dates
5th May - Mac Zone Cross Country
9th May - Olympian Visit
12th May - Mother's Day liturgy (9:00am in the P/1 classroom)
12th May - Day for Dolly (wear blue)
19th May - Darling Downs Zoo excursion
23th May - Teddy Bear Picnic
24th May - PEN meeting
26th May - National Sorry Day liturgy
9th June - SMG Semester 1 Disco!
Teacher/Student Dress Swap!

I will be away in Week 5 in Charleville for the Leadership Forum. Mrs Kara Locke from Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office will be deputising in my absence.
Yours in education,
Casey Robinson
"Always remember to love one another." (Mary MacKillop 1888)
Library News
Step Into Stories - Online Author Visit
James Foley, author and illustrator will join the Year 2-6 classes for an online presentation about his writing and illustrating next Monday from 11.30am-12.30pm. We have been preparing by sharing James's books, from the award winning Stellarphant to his new release Goldfish-Finger Book 1 in the Secret Agent Mole series. Many of James's books are available on Storybox library so check them out (login: smg Password: stories). We will share what we learn from this clever author and illustrator in the next newsletter but please ask your students what they learnt and enjoyed from James's presentation.
Term 2 Book Talks Are Underway
Students from Year 2-6 have been rostered to give an informal book talk on a book they have borrowed from the library. The structure for the book talk is simple and has been shared and modelled a number of times. Students are supported on the day of their talk to follow the outline. This activity gives students a chance to think about what to share from their reading and what response the book created in them.
Prep and Year 1 Library Time
Our youngest students are the most enthusiastic library users! They spend time thinking about their borrowing choices and want to read them straight away. They make recommendations for our read alouds when a book captures their attention. We enjoyed hearing the places Mr Chicken visited in Australia from one recommendation and we will continue to learn about our great natural and man made places through fiction and non-fiction books over the next few weeks.
Jonathon was a stand out library user last week as he listened intently to our book "Bush Babies" and spent uninterrupted time with his book choices!
Book Talks and Book Engagement

Current Library Displays
Mrs Smith refreshes our displays regularly to engage the students with ideas, themes and related books. Students are enjoying the names of countries and places on the maps. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us Mrs Smith!
Our Displays

Happy Reading everyone!
Anne Anderson
Teacher Librarian

Do It For Dolly Day is held on Friday 12 May 2023 and we're calling on you to help make Dolly's own dream a reality.
Next Friday the 12 of May, we are particpating in Do It For Dolly Day- a day to celebrate kindness and unite in taking a stand against bullying.
We will be wearing blue (please bring a gold coin donation) and selling blue cupcakes ($1.00 each) to raise money to go towards 'Dolly's Dream'.
Your generous support enables the development of vital bullying prevention and online safety programs that can be provided to kids, families, schools, and communities across Australia.
Students of the Week - Week 2

Congratulations to Evie (Year 2), Maddie (Year 5), and Werner(Prep)!
Students of the Week - Week 3

Congratulations to William (Year 2), Harper (Prep) and Connor (Year 5)!
Sight Word Certificates

Library Award

The 5 C Awards


Our Lady of the Southern Cross Parish - Mass Times

Sunday 7th May - 9am - Lay Lead Liturgy
Saturday 13th May - 5:30pm Mass
Sunday 21st May - Lay Lead Liturgy
Sunday 28th May - 9am Mass
Sunday 4th June - 9am Lay Lead Liturgy