Term 2, Week 1 - 20th April, 2023
From the Principal

Dear families,
Welcome to Term 2! It was fantastic to see so many smiling faces on day one and hear all about the wonderful holiday break families had.
Every term is a busy one and like all terms we have lots happening. As well as the wonderful learning taking place in the classrooms we have – excursions to the Darling Downs Zoo, the ANZAC Day march, DD Rugby League trials, a Mother's Day liturgy, report cards go home and much more! Keep an eye on the ‘upcoming events’ section of the newsletter and also updates on Facebook and the Sentral for Parents app.
Pupil Free Day
On Monday our staff came together with Mr Marty Savage (SEL from TCSO) to reflect on our School Renewal and Improvement Plan (SRIP) from 2022. As a team, we began developing our 2023-2026 Strategic Plan by identifying key priorities based on the voice of our community that came out of the SRIP.
Priority (example) - St Maria Goretti is committed to being a place where educators use their expert knowledge of the curriculum to effectively teach expert learners based on their personal needs.
The Strategic Plan will bring the mission of the school to realisation by establishing a clear direction and prioritising a set of actions for the future of the school for the next four years. This document will be shared with our community once finalised.
Anzac Day is next Tuesday 25 April which is a public holiday. Our school will be participating in the town march and the Commemorative Service held at the Inglewood Memorial park at 11am. Students in P-6 are invited to participate in the march and will be accompanied by school staff during the march and service. In the past, we have regularly had most of our students attend - and it would be great to see as many of you there as possible. Students will need to assemble on the footpath outside the church (next to the school) between 10:15-10:30am. Students will need to be in full formal uniform including black shoes and their school hat. Please bring a bottle of water. We appreciate your ongoing support of our school at the Anzac Day service.
Holiday Works
Over the holidays we had some maintenance works completed on our grounds, including the removal of three trees alongside the school fence, on school grounds. These trees have been flagged as a high-risk concern for a number of years for workplace health and safety reasons, not only by Toowoomba Catholic Schools but also Essential Energy (due to the proximity to the powerlines). Arborists confirmed that the three trees were not in good health and had been regularly dropping large branches in the school grounds and on the powerlines. The removal of these trees did not come at a financial cost to the school. As always, the health and safety of our staff and students are at the forefront of all decision making.
Please contact me directly if you have any questions.
Upcoming Term 2 dates
26th April - Darling Downs Rugby League trials
24th April - ANZAC Day liturgy
25th April - ANZAC Day march (Public Holiday)
1st May - Labor Day (Public Holiday)
5th May - Mac Zone Cross Country
12th May - Mother's Day liturgy (9:00am in the P/1 classroom)
12th May - Day for Dolly (wear blue)
Yours in education,
Casey Robinson
"God wants us to take fresh courage." (Mary MacKillop 1877)

Last term, our students put their compassion into action by raising money for the Project Compassion appeal.
We participated in a number of initiatives in Term 1, including dress up days, Sponge the Teacher and the annual coin line challenge.
Our Project Compassion fundraising efforts in Term 1 raised a total of $566.90 to go to Caritas Australia!
Well done to all involved.
Students of the Week - Week 1

Congratulations to Chiquita (Year 5), Amelia (Year 4), Sadie (Year 1) and Levi (Prep)!
Sight Word Certificates

Happy Birthday!



Our Lady of the Southern Cross Parish - Mass Times

Sunday 23rd April - 9am Mass
Sunday 30th April - 9am Lay Lead Liturgy
Sunday 7th May - 9am - Lay Lead Liturgy
Saturday 13th May - 5:30pm Mass
Sunday 21st May - Lay Lead Liturgy
Sunday 28th May - 9am Mass
Sunday 4th June - 9am Lay Lead Liturgy