Term 1, Week 9 - 20th March, 2023
From the Principal
Life and Learning in the Library
APRE News - Fourth Week of Lent
Curriculum News - NAPLAN 2023
Students of the Week - Week 7
Students of the Week - Week 8
Parent Partnership Forum
Sight Word Certificates
Happy Birthday!
Our Lady of the Southern Cross Parish - Mass Times
From the Principal

Dear families,
Welcome to Week 9.
I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend. It was fantastic to run into many of you at the Inglewood Show. I hope that you had a chance to go and see the whole school Show Display and the individual student entries in the Juvenile Art section.

My First Year - The Chronicle
Our Prep students were featured in The Chronicle.

Upcoming Term 1 dates
31st March - Last day of Term 1
Cross Country at Yelarbon State School (more information to come)
Sponge the Teacher - 50c per throw, all funds going towards Project Compassion
Coin Line Challenge - The class with the longest coin line will win the challenge, all funds going towards Project Compassion
Have a fantastic week!
Yours in education,
Casey Robinson
"Always try to have success in your work but remember God is often glorified in your failure." (Mary MacKillop 1874)
Life and Learning in the Library
A great effort everyone to exceed an hour of reading, or being read to, last Thursday! An estimated 78 hours of reading before, during and after school was achived at St Maria Goretti.
Time spent reading each day is the easiest way to lift all aspects of literacy, the more the better. Please keep the effort up at home everyone.
Library Lessons
Informal book talks have started in Prep -Year 1 and we are enjoying the discussion around the characters in the pictures books we share.
Year 2 - 4 students are gaining search skills within the library database and sharing their responses to a book they have read. We laugh together when I read Jimmy Cook X Marks the Spot aloud!
Detailed book talks and locating relevant facts to build understanding of life in colonial Australia are the focus for Year 5 - 6.
Happy Reading Everyone
Anne Anderson
Teacher Librarian
APRE News - Fourth Week of Lent
Watch a short film about Thu’s story here.
Please support Project Compassion: www.caritas.org.au/project-compassion

Curriculum News - NAPLAN 2023
NAPLAN 2023 Timetable
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a point in time assessment of literacy and numeracy skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life.
Students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 participate in the annual NAPLAN tests in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.
St Maria Goretti will be participating in NAPLAN Online between the 15th and the 21st of March.
Please see our NAPLAN Online schedule for Year 3 and Year 5 below.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Robinson at the school on 4652 1109.
Students of the Week - Week 7

Congratulations to Clairabelle (Year 1), Harper (Prep), Connor (Year 5) and Celeste (Year 3)!
Students of the Week - Week 8

Congratulations to Ellie (Year 1), Taylor (Year 2), Werner (Prep) and Daniel (Year 6)!
Parent Partnership Forum
Thank you to those that joined us at our AGM yesterday to elect our new committee for 2023. A huge thank you must go to Christine Apted for her service as Chairperson over the last 2 years. Christine has been behind creating a more inclusive parent group and the fundraising efforts of the PPF are a result of that.
Congratulations must go to our new and continuing office bearers:
Chairperson: Melissa Callaghan
Secretary: Corinne McPherson
Fundraising Coordinator: Michelle Walker
Catering and Tuckshop Coordinators: Alycia Williams and Crystal Cooper
A few notes from our meeting:
- The group will apply to the Acciona Wind Farm Project for a grant to cover the purchase of fruit for students fruit break.
- The group agreed to purchase new musical instruments for the Instrumental Music Program.
- The group agreed to purchase a large esky to be used for athletics carnivals, camps, catering etc.
- Michelle has organised a sock drive beginning on Monday 20th March. Forms will go home on Monday and are due back on 21st April.
- Cent sale will likely be held in October. Date to be confirmed.
- The group are looking at a suitable date for the Colour Run.
The next meeting to be held on Wednesday 19th April at 3:30pm in the school library.
Sight Word Certificates

Happy Birthday!



Our Lady of the Southern Cross Parish - Mass Times

Sunday 19th March - 9am Lay Lead Liturgy
Sunday 26th March - 9am Mass
Sunday 2nd April - 9am Lay Lead Liturgy
Good Friday 8th April - 10am Stations of the Cross
Easter Sunday 9th April - 8am Mass
Sunday 16th April - 9am Lay Lead Liturgy